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Scientific papers


  • Kárpáti, Z., Szelényi, M. O., & Tóth, Z. (2024). Exposure to an insecticide formulation alters chemosensory orientation, but not floral scent detection, in buff-tailed bumblebees (Bombus terrestris). Scientific Reports, 14(1), 14622.​

  • Tóth, Z.​​, & Kovács, Z. (2024). Chronic acetamiprid exposure moderately affects the foraging behaviour of buff‐tailed bumblebees (Bombus terrestris). Ethology, 130(2), e13425.


  • Tóth, Z​., Bartók, R., Nagy, Z., & Szappanos, V. R. (2023). The relative importance of social information use for population abundance in group-living and non-grouping prey. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 575, 111626.​

  • Tóth, Z. (2023). Social information use in herbivore prey can influence the success of biological control. Biological Control, 186, 105339.


  • Tóth, Z., & Kőmüves, G. (2022). Social information-mediated population dynamics in non-grouping prey. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 76(8), 110.​

  • Varga-Szilay, Z., & Tóth, Z.​ (2022). Is acetamiprid really not that harmful to bumblebees (Apidae: Bombus spp.)?. Apidologie, 53(1), 2.


  • Tóth, Z., & Jaloveczki, B. (2021). Tutors do not facilitate rapid resource exploitation in temporary tadpole aggregations. Royal Society Open Science, 8(5), 202288.​

  • Tóth, Z., Mihók, F., & Nemesházi, E. (2021). Genetic differentiation over a small spatial scale in the smooth newt (Lissotriton vulgaris). Herpetological Journal, 31(2).​

  • Tóth, Z. (2021). The hidden effect of inadvertent social information use on fluctuating predator–prey dynamics. Evolutionary Ecology, 35(1), 101-114.



  • Hettyey, A., Üveges, B., Móricz, Á. M., Drahos, L., Capon, R. J., Van Buskirk, J., Tóth. Z., Bókony, V. (2019). Predator‐induced changes in the chemical defence of a vertebrate. Journal of Animal Ecology, 88(12), 1925-1935.​

  • Jaloveczki. B., & Tóth. Z. (2019). Az integrált növényvédelem populációbiológiai alapjai: az Allee-hatás. Növényvédelem 80(11), 473-477.

  • Tóth, Z., Kurali, A., Móricz, Á. M., & Hettyey, A. (2019). Changes in toxin quantities following experimental manipulation of toxin reserves in Bufo bufo tadpoles. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 45, 253-263.


  • Gyuris, E., Szép, E., Kontschán, J., Hettyey, A., & Tóth, Z. (2018). Efficiency against the Two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae and prey-age-related choice of three predatory mites. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 64(1), 75-90.​

  • Kurali, A., Pásztor, K., Hettyey, A., & Tóth, Z. (2018). Resource-dependent temporal changes in antipredator behavior of common toad (Bufo bufo) tadpoles. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72, 1-8.​

  • Reuter, G., Boros, Á., Tóth, Z., Kapusinszky, B., Delwart, E., & Pankovics, P. (2018). Detection of a novel RNA virus with hepatitis E virus-like non-structural genome organization in amphibian, agile frog (Rana dalmatina) tadpoles. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 65, 112-116.​

  • Tholt, G., Kis, A., Medzihradszky, A., Szita, É., Tóth, Z., Havelda, Z., & Samu, F. (2018). Could vectors’ fear of predators reduce the spread of plant diseases?. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 8705.​

  • Tóth, Z., & Hettyey, A. (2018). Egg‐laying environment modulates offspring responses to predation risk in an amphibian. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 31(5), 710-721.​

  • Tóth, Z. (2018). Spontán jelrendszer az állatok kommunikációjában: fel lehet-e ezt használni növényvédelmi célokra?. Növányvédelem, 54(12), 528-532.


  • Gyuris, E., Szép, E., Kontschán, J., Hettyey, A., & Tóth, Z. (2017). Behavioural responses of two-spotted spider mites induced by predator-borne and prey-borne cues. Behavioural Processes, 144, 100-106.​

  • Molnár, B. P., Tóth, Z., & Kárpáti, Z. (2017). Synthetic blend of larval frass volatiles repel oviposition in the invasive box tree moth, Cydalima perspectalis. Journal of Pest Science, 90, 873-885.​

  • Beleznai, O., Dreyer, J., Tóth, Z., & Samu, F. (2017). Natural enemies partially compensate for warming induced excess herbivory in an organic growth system. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 7266.​

  • Pankovics, P., Boros, Á., Tóth, Z., Phan, T. G., Delwart, E., & Reuter, G. (2017). Genetic characterization of a second novel picornavirus from an amphibian host, smooth newt (Lissotriton vulgaris). Archives of Virology, 162, 1043-1050.​

  • Tóth, Z., Tuliozi, B., Baldan, D., Hoi, H., & Griggio, M. (2017). The effect of social connections on the discovery of multiple hidden food patches in a bird species. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 816.


  • Kurali, A., Pásztor, K., Hettyey, A., & Tóth, Z. (2016). Toxin depletion has no effect on antipredator responses in common toad (Bufo bufo) tadpoles. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 119(4), 1000-1010.​

  • Bókony, V., Móricz, Á. M., Tóth, Z., Gál, Z., Kurali, A., Mikó, Z., Pásztor, K., Szederkényi, M., Tóth, Z., Ujszegi, J., Üveges, B., Krüzselyi, D., Capon, R., J.,  Hoi, H., Hettyey, A. (2016). Variation in chemical defense among natural populations of common toad, Bufo bufo, tadpoles: the role of environmental factors. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 42, 329-338.​​

  • ​​Tóth, Z., Baldan, D., Albert, C., Hoi, H., & Griggio, M. (2016). Effect of ornament manipulations on following relations in male bearded reedlings. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution, 28(2), 175-187.​​


  • Hettyey, A., Tóth, Z., Thonhauser, K. E., Frommen, J. G., Penn, D. J., & Van Buskirk, J. (2015). The relative importance of prey-borne and predator-borne chemical cues for inducible antipredator responses in tadpoles. Oecologia, 179, 699-710.​

  • Beleznai, O., Tholt, G., Tóth, Z., Horváth, V., Marczali, Z., & Samu, F. (2015). Cool headed individuals are better survivors: non-consumptive and consumptive effects of a generalist predator on a sap feeding insect. PLoS ONE, 10(8), e0135954.​

  • Molnár, B. P., Tóth, Z., Fejes-Tóth, A., Dekker, T., & Kárpáti, Z. (2015). Electrophysiologically-active maize volatiles attract gravid female European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 41, 997-1005.​

  • Reuter, G., Boros, Á., Tóth, Z., Gia Phan, T., Delwart, E., & Pankovics, P. (2015). A highly divergent picornavirus in an amphibian, the smooth newt (Lissotriton vulgaris). Journal of General Virology, 96(9), 2607-2613.​

  • Tóth, Z. (2015). Context-dependent plastic response during egg-laying in a widespread newt species. PLoS ONE, 10(8), e0136044.


  • Hettyey, A., Tóth, Z., & Van Buskirk, J. (2014). Inducible chemical defences in animals. Oikos, 123(9), 1025-1028.​

  • Tóth, Z., Baldan, D., Hoi, H., Griggio, M. (2014). Food reduction has a limited effect on following relations in house sparrow flocks. Animal Behaviour, 90, 91-100.


  • Bókony, V., Kulcsár, A., Tóth, Z., & Liker, A. (2012). Personality traits and behavioral syndromes in differently urbanized populations of house sparrows (Passer domesticus). PLoS ONE, 7(5), e36639.


  • Tóth, Z., Hoi, H., & Hettyey, A. (2011). Intraspecific variation in the egg-wrapping behaviour of female smooth newts, Lissotriton vulgaris. Amphibia-Reptilia, 32(1), 77-82.​

  • Tóth, Z., & Griggio, M. (2011). Leaders are more attractive: birds with bigger yellow breast patches are followed by more group-mates in foraging groups. PLoS ONE, 6(10), e26605.​

  • Tóth, Z., Hoi, H., & Hettyey, A. (2011). Kin discrimination during egg‐cannibalism in smooth newts: does competition matter?. Journal of Zoology, 284(1), 46-52.


  • Liker, A., Bókony, V., Kulcsár, A., Tóth, Z., Szabó, K., Kaholek, B., & Pénzes, Z. (2009). Genetic relatedness in wintering groups of house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Molecular Ecology, 18(22), 4696-4706.​

  • Tóth, Z., Bókony, V., Lendvai, Á. Z., Szabó, K., Pénzes, Z., & Liker, A. (2009). Kinship and aggression: do house sparrows spare their relatives?. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 63, 1189-1196.​

  • Tóth, Z., Bókony, V., Lendvai, Á. Z., Szabó, K., Pénzes, Z., & Liker, A. (2009). Whom do the sparrows follow? The effect of kinship on social preference in house sparrow flocks. Behavioural Processes, 82(2), 173-177.​

  • Tóth, Z., Bókony, V., Lendvai, Á. Z., Szabó, K., Pénzes, Z., & Liker, A. (2009). Effects of relatedness on social-foraging tactic use in house sparrows. Animal Behaviour, 77(2), 337-342.


  • Tóth, Z., Horváth, G., & Müller, E. (2005). Investigation of the mortality of a local barn owl population using key factor analysis. Italian Journal of Zoology, 72(3), 229-234.

Popular science papers


  • Juhász, B. (2024). Rovarölő hatóanyagok beporzó szemmel. Élet és Tudomány, 19, 582-584.




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